The best way to practice following Jesus is together, in the context of community. At Open Door Church, we believe that living real life together is essential for anyone wanting to be a disciple of Jesus.
Church isn’t something we merely attend on Sunday mornings and Jesus isn’t merely an addition to what we do. We want to orient our lives around knowing God and making Him known to others.
Everyone is welcome, no matter where you're at on your spiritual journey. Jesus invites us to come as we are. Are you hurting, broken, and in need? Do you have questions and doubts? Then you’ll find yourself in good company.
However, the beauty of Jesus’ invitation is that He promises to make us new. While we’re invited to come as we are, He never intends for us to stay as we are. Our God is one of divine transformation. He heals, restores, and saves. Just as we’ve been transformed by the love of Christ, we’re believing for our families, friends, and Pagosa Springs, to be transformed as well.
We want to echo the prayer of Jesus: that God’s will would be done in Pagosa Springs just as it is in Heaven.
We are called to AWAKEN people from spiritual slumber to life in Jesus.
We EQUIP believers to effectively love and serve Jesus.
We are called to SEND disciples to transform the world.
We are called to AWAKEN people from spiritual slumber to life in Jesus.
We EQUIP believers to effectively love and serve Jesus.
We are called to SEND disciples to transform the world.
Here at Open Door Church we are in agreement with the historic confessions of the protestant Christian church. We see those appropriately outlined in the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed.
We believe God is pre-existing, uncreated and eternal. He is One but exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He created all things and all things are under his ultimate lordship. He alone is worthy of exclusive love and worship. He is holy, kind and loving beyond any other.
We keep the historic confession of the Church of Jesus that the Bible (consisting of its canonized 66 books) is the inspired, authoritative and sufficient word of God. We strive to teach and live the Bible faithful to the intent for the original audience.
We believe that sin is disobedience to God that separates us from Him. All are guilty of sin and the only way to be restored to right relationship with the Creator God is to repent and believe the good news about Jesus.
We believe that the good news about Jesus (the gospel of God) is that God came as a man in Jesus Christ and lived a perfect life and suffered death on the cross, paying our debt of sin once and for all as the perfect offering. Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death and removing its power for all those who are in Christ. He ascended to the right hand of the Father and is returning someday soon to judge all of creation.
We believe that the church is God’s chosen vessel to carry out and proclaim the gospel to the world. The church exists universally as we are united by following the way of Jesus but also locally as we carry out God’s commission in our communities and context.